Chinese medicine has long been focused on energy. Acupuncture is a prime example of a practice that revolves around energy healing, or qi. The idea of energy in the body is not a new concept, but it is a practice that we’re learning more about every year.
While there is no scientific basis for acupuncture, millions of people claim to benefit from it.
There are also other ways to help this vital life force work for the body. Considered energy healing, sending signals to the body can cause a response that helps to heal the body and restore a proper balance. A healthy body must contain a balance energy force flowing through the body at all times.
Energy Efficiency and You
You want to get healthy, but you’re feeling rundown, tired and stressed. This is what happens to a lot of people that think they are either not sleeping enough, eating the right foods or need to exercise more often. Eventually, a person will become so accustomed to their lack of energy that they believe it is the “norm” for them.
After all, everyone is different. Right?
We are all different, and your body’s needs will be drastically different than my body’s needs. That being said, a healthy body must always have efficient energy consumption at all times.
Naturally, the body takes care of energy efficiency to get us through the day. It’s not often that we don’t have enough energy to stay awake or concentrate for a big test or exam. Our body is extremely optimal at all times, but when the body is not using energy efficiently, it will lead to:
- Psychical changes. You may feel weak, tired or have aches and pains.
- Emotional changes. Sudden depression, sadness and even anxiety may hit.
- Psychological changes. You may be moody, stressed and can’t pay attention.
All of this occurs when the body stops using energy properly. Less efficiency in energy consumption leads to wasted energy levels, leaving you feeling rundown.
Everything you do, from reading this very article to standing up and breathing requires energy to be completed. With a lack of energy, everything gets just a little harder to do. Food can help increase energy levels periodically, but it will not be able to restore the energy flow in the body to the proper levels.
Food will act as a bandage for a quick fix, but eventually, changes in the food you eat won’t even help you overcome energy issues.
Targeting the root cause of the problem is the best way to restore the body’s vital energy while ensuring that the symptoms of energy inefficiency go away.
A good way to determine if energy levels at a cellular level are low is by looking at the skin.
The Skin’s Natural Magnetic Quality
The skin is the body’s largest organ. What happens inside of your body, whether infection, illness or energy issues, will often present on the outer layer on the skin. While you may not see energy flowing out of the body, this doesn’t mean that there isn’t a reaction seen when energy healing is performed.
Energy blockages in the body lead to a magnetic change on the skin. This often feels “sticky.”
Healing occurs when the blockage is healing or removed. This will produce a less magnetic response on the skin. Cells in the body that are not functioning properly have low electrical potential, which leads to the magnetic, sticky feeling of the skin.
Energy that is pushed back into these areas will:
- Raise electrical potential of cells.
- Help cells begin to repair properly.
- Stimulates the nervous system to speed up the healing process.
Will the body restore itself naturally?
On the cellular level, the body will restore itself once every 365 days. The issue is that if you don’t make the right changes to address the root cause of the low electrical potential of the cells, the same issues will occur.
Stanford School of Medicine states that every single cell in our skeleton will be entirely replaced within 7 years. It’s like having a new you every 7 years, but there is more. The skin regenerates in just 7 days. The issue is some cells live longer than others. For example, red blood cells have a lifespan of 4 months, while white blood cells live about a year, maybe a little longer.
The reality is that cells are dying and being replaced all of the time.
By the time you’re done reading this article, millions and millions of cells in your body will have died and many will be regenerated – it’s a process of life. The environment in the body and your lifestyle will have a direct effect on the new cells being reproduced – some may lack true energy potential.
Rejuvenation Through NES miHealth
NES miHealth provides rejuvenation of the body’s natural energy to make you feel stronger, healthier, more aware and less tired. The way that this works is through the help of a trained practitioner – like me – that will help you eliminate these pesky energy blockages.
- Scanning: miHealth allows us to scan the body-field to find areas where energy blockage has occurred. This is the first step needed to remove these blockages and allow the body to begin working optimally.
- Clearing Blockages: Using miHealth, weak electrical signals are directed at these problem areas. Responses are read by the device and internal changes begin to happen. Blood flow and hydration levels are increased.
When the electrical signals are directed at the body, the cells begin to repair themselves thanks to the nervous system response to restore energy levels to a specific area of the body. The body will adapt to blockages, so miHealth can be seen as guiding your body down the natural path of energy restoration through these electrical signals.
You don’t want your body to maintain inefficient energy flow.
Electrical signals can help with virtually anything from pain in your knees or TMJ to help increase your energy levels and start to feel better.
You may not experience the immense pain signals from the body like others suffer from, but this does not mean there aren’t blockages in the body that need to be addressed immediately. Over time, as your body’s energy flow returns to normal, you’ll begin feeling continually better until you’re back to your old, energetic and happy self again.
While miHealth may be a new method, the concepts are the same as ancient Chinese medicine. Restoring the qi, through electrical signals versus needles, the body is able to start doing something that modern medicine can’t do – offer truly optimal repairing of the body naturally without the need for medications or surgery.
As science continues to study the benefits of ensuring the body’s energy flow is optimal, millions of people are already seeing the benefits of removing energy blockages.
I am a NES practitioner, and you can search for a practitioner (maybe me) in your area right on the official website.
It’s time for you to start feeling better starting at the cellular level. When cells are malfunctioning, it will present itself negatively. Reduce stress, feel more energetic and restore the body’s natural energy flow today. You owe it to yourself.